
"Hi Keith I just want to pass on my thanks for such a great market survey. What was fed back and the information provided will allow us to take a good look at our services and way we go about our work. I know I certainly learned a lot and I’m pretty positive about our future for MercyCare and its services."
- MercyCare Group (2015)
"Keith on behalf of the Chairman and the board writing to thank you for making time yesterday to share the insights from our recent end user research. Your presentation certainly sparked good debate and discussion amongst the board and we look forward to concluding the east coast research in May. Again thanks for a job well done."
- Gary Johnson, Chief Executive Officer, Steelblue (2014)
"Working with Pattersons on our recent Citrus Marketing Evaluation Survey, their knowledge and professionalism enabled us to easily communicate the requirements of the project. Using their expertise, Pattersons were then able to package and manage the task start to finish. Collaboration has resulted in excellent outcomes for the citrus industry. We strongly recommend this company.
- Citrus WA Marketing Evaluation Survey online amongst Perth households, Nardia Shaw, Executive Officer, FruitWest (2013)
“Excellent work. As ever, we appreciate your customer focus. We’re looking forward to working with Patterson Research Group again as it was a good experience”
- Annual Quantitative Customer Service Survey amongst Persons with a Disability in WA, Richard Mathews, Disability Services Commission WA (2011)
“Patterson Research Group questions as an interpretation of my Request for Quote has instilled me with confidence that the right company has been selected to carry out our survey program”.
- Large Community Survey amongst households in specific target suburbs in Perth, Ben Lee, Department of Water WA (2012)
“I really appreciate the extra work you’re putting in and the report is FANTASTIC!!! It’s all beautifully set out and so comprehensive. Thank you very much”.
- Corporate Image and Future Strategy Study, Qualitative in-depth interviewing program amongst Key-Stakeholders, Kate Duff, Pilbara Institute (2011)
“Great – awesome work. Very pleased! Thank you!”
- Buy West, Eat Best Campaign tracker in The West Australian online, Paul Graham, Market Strategy (on behalf of VegetablesWA) (2012)
“I will come back to you after the group meeting, but all feedback to date has been 'what an excellent report'”.
- In-hall face-to-face quantitative intercept at Woolworth’s supermarkets and qualitative follow-up with two focus groups with grocery shoppers, Paul Graham, Market Strategy (on behalf of VegetablesWA) (2011)

Omnibus Research (FlashPoll)

Our quarterly FlashPoll is a very cost effective way to do high quality research for every budget. You can start with just asking one question.


Online surveys, Telephone (CATI), Face-to-Face (in-hall, central locations), postal or a combination of all – we are a FULL-SERVICE market research specialist.


We offer a broad range of qualitative research solutions, including Focus Groups, Mini Groups, Triads, In-Depth Interviews, Taste Tests and customised Workshops.

Omnibus Research (FlashPoll)

Our quarterly FlashPoll is a very cost effective way to do high quality research for every budget. You can start with just asking one question.


Online surveys, Telephone (CATI), Face-to-Face (in-hall, central locations), postal or a combination of all – we are a FULL-SERVICE market research specialist.


We offer a broad range of qualitative research solutions, including Focus Groups, Mini Groups, Triads, In-Depth Interviews, Taste Tests and customised Workshops.

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